Kankakee Community College’s Office of Continuing Education and Business Partnerships is offering more than 30 non-credit workforce training classes at a discount this spring.
To take advantage, participants should use code “Spring25” to receive up to 50% off the list price. These classes do not award college credit.
The savings is made possible by a grant from the Illinois Community College Board.
To register for the following in-person and live webinar courses, visit www.kcc.edu/comejoinus, sign up or login, then find and select the course. Click on the date and add it to your cart. In the cart, add yourself as an attendee, use the discount code “spring25” and checkout.
To register by phone, or for more information, phone 815-802-8206.
· “Alzheimer’s Disease: An Inside Look” meets noon - 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12. Pre-discount cost: $20.
· “Early Childhood Classroom Calming Toolkit for Teachers & Children” meets 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20. Pre-discount cost: $30.
· “Mentorship – Understanding the Dynamics” meets 9 a.m. - noon Tuesday, Feb. 25. Pre-discount cost: $99.
· “Sexual Harassment Prevention” meets 10-11 a.m. Tuesday, March 4. Pre-discount cost: $20.
· “Adult Mental Health First Aid” meets 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Friday March 7. Pre-discount cost: $30.
· “Priority Management” meets 9 a.m. - noon Wednesday, March 12. Pre-discount cost: $149.
· “Implicit Bias Awareness” meets noon - 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 12. Pre-discount cost: $20.
· “Beginning Microsoft Word” meets 1-4 p.m. Friday, March 14. Pre-discount cost: $89.
· “Classroom Harmony: Key Strategies for Effective Classroom Management” meets 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20. Pre-discount cost: $30.
· “Boosting Team Dynamics: Mastering Retention, Satisfaction & Motivation” meets 9 a.m. - noon Wednesday, March 26. Pre-discount cost: $49.
· “Addressing Mental Illness, Substance Use Disorders & Process Addictions” meets 9 a.m. - noon Friday, March 28. Pre-discount cost: $49.
· “Intermediate Microsoft Word” meets 1-4 p.m. Friday, March 28. Pre-discount cost: $89.
· “Youth Mental Health First Aid” meets 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Friday, April 4. Pre-discount cost: $30.
· “Multigenerational Workforce” meets 9 a.m. - noon Wednesday, April 9. Pre-discount cost: $149.
· “Beginning Microsoft Excel” meets 9 a.m. - noon Friday, April 11. Pre-discount cost: $89.
· “Triangulation Tactics: Enhancing Team Dynamics & Organizational Success” meets 9 a.m. - noon Thursday, April 17. Pre-discount cost: $49.
· “Person Centered Care: Identifying Emotional Needs” meets 1-4 p.m. Thursday, April 17. Pre-discount cost: $49.
· “Active Supervision in Early Childhood Education” meets 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 24. Pre-discount cost: $30.
· “Helping Clients with Mental Illness & Substance Use Disorders Cope with Loss” meets 9 a.m. - noon Friday, April 25. Pre-discount cost: $49.
· “Intermediate Microsoft Excel” meets 1-4 p.m. Friday, April 25. Pre-discount cost: $89.
· “Mindfulness: Benefits for Substance Use Disorder Recovery” meets 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, May 7. Pre-discount cost: $49.
· “Advanced Microsoft Excel” meets 1-4 p.m. Friday, May 9. Pre-discount cost: $89.
· “Leading People & Teams” meets 9 a.m. - noon Wednesday, May 14. Pre-discount cost: $149.
· “Spanish Interpretation: Community Interpreting” meets 6-9 p.m. Monday, March 24 through Monday, April 28. Pre-discount cost: $99.
The following self-paced online courses can be started any time. To register and receive 50% off or more, email continuinged@kcc.edu<mailto:continuinged@kcc.edu>.
· “Medical Billing & Coding” - Pre-discount cost: $2,995.
· “Pharmacy Technician” - Pre-discount cost: $2,995.
· “Professional Bookkeeping with Quickbooks” - Pre-discount cost: $3,845.
· “Sterile Processing Technician” - Pre-discount cost: $2,795.
· “Teacher’s Aide with ParaPro Prep” - Pre-discount cost: $1695.
· “Clinical Dental Assistant” - Pre-discount cost: $2,995.
For all classes, descriptions and more information is at www.kcc.edu/comejoinus.
In addition, businesses of all sizes in Kankakee and Iroquois counties can also qualify for benefits from the grant to offer customized training, said Gina Greene, Ed.D., director of the Continuing Education and Business Partnerships Office at KCC.
“Vouchers are being offered,” Greene said. “KCC can also bring the training to you. Employers can have in-house training at a discounted rate. “Continuing education benefits companies and their workers,” Greene continued. “KCC offers a wide range of topics for increasing workforce skills and knowledge without a commitment to a full-time or degree program.”
As a grant recipient, KCC can help employers train people in numerous continuing education areas, including computer skills, safety, leadership and management.
Each year, an average of 1,500 people take part in non-credit workforce training and professional development at KCC, Greene said.
To learn more about utilizing KCC for training, contact Greene at ggreene@kcc.edu or visit www.kcc.edu/continuinged/workforce-training/ The statewide website is behindeveryemployerillinois.org.
Behind Every Employer Illinois - 4 key objectives
· Expansion of noncredit program offerings
· Increasing affordability of noncredit training
· Expansion of business solutions for companies
· Collaborating with adult education providers to offer no-cost workplace literacy programs
Kankakee Community College is an accredited two-year college which awards associate degrees and certificates of completion. KCC prepares students both to transfer to four-year colleges and to enter the workforce. The college also offers continuing education courses and certification training, literacy programs, English as a Second Language and GED preparation. The KCC mission is “Enhancing quality of life through learning.” The college has a Riverfront Campus in Kankakee, South Extension Center in Watseka, North Extension Center in Bradley and Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Center in Kankakee.
More KCC news and photos are available at our Newsroom<http://www.kcc.edu/news/Pages/default.aspx>, and on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/KankakeeCommunityCollege>, Twitter<https://twitter.com/KCCedu> and YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/user/KankakeeCommCollege>.
Official college logos<http://www.kcc.edu/FacultyStaff/departments/marketing/Pages/logos.aspx> are available online.
Kari Nugent
Vice president for advancement, marketing, and public relations