Each year, dozens of Kankakee and Iroquois County volunteers oversee the distribution of United Way dollars through an annual process called Community Investment.
Kankakee, Ill. - United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties is currently seeking Kankakee and Iroquois county residents to serve as Community Investment Volunteers. These volunteers get a first-hand look at the programs applying for funding and help determine funding recommendations for the next fiscal cycle. In order to serve as a volunteer, a Volunteer Interest form needs to be submitted by Monday, March 20.
Read more about volunteer expectations and fill out the Volunteer Interest form at: www.myunitedway.org/community-investment-volunteers
Timeline for Volunteers:
• Week of March 20th: An orientation for first time Community Investment volunteers will take place virtually. Time and date TBD.
• Week of April 24th – 28th: Volunteers will gain an in-depth look at programs applying for United Way funding through in-person or virtual program site visits.
• By May 1st: Volunteers will be asked to submit Program Evaluations, which are then reviewed by United Way’s Community Investment Committee.
United Way’s Board of Directors will review and make final funding approvals based on recommendations made by the committee.
Where does United Way’s Community Investment funding come from?
Each year, thousands of generous community members and local businesses contribute to United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties’ Community Investment Fund. Yet, demand for nonprofit services and rising costs of operation have outpaced local philanthropy and community donations. As a result, this grant funding opportunity is highly competitive, which is why the input of local volunteers is so essential.
Questions about the Community Investment grants process or volunteer expectations?
Please email grants@myunitedway.org