Women In Networking Spotlight

Sandra M Cianci lives in Bourbonnais, IL, and is the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Kankakee County, who has held the position since July 1, 2010. Cianci has lived in the county since 1969, having been born in Boulder Colorado (fun fact--her favorite state). In her spare time, she loves to paint (and other artful hobbies), travel, and cook. Her educational background consists of attending Maternity BVM Elementary, Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School, Kankakee Community College, and Olivet Nazarene University, Cianci completed her MBA in 2010. Her community background consists of Women in Networking Committee of the Kankakee County Chamber of Commerce, Vice-President Zonta Club of Kankakee, President Order Sons and Daughters of Italian Americans Americo Vespucci Lodge #1722, and is active in local Republican political organizations. Over the course of the last several years, the Illinois Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts has appointed Cianci to several committees: Illinois Judicial College--Circuit Clerk Continuing Education (CCCE), and course supervisor for Ed-Con, which is the Education Conference for judicial partners, held every other year. Currently, Cianci is overseeing an 18-month court case management computer software conversion, expected to go live September 2024, bringing the county up to current technological standards and efficiencies.